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CRE in a Week BlogSuccess in commercial real estate (CRE) investing requires a diverse skill set. This blog is designed to cover a broad set of topic to amplify your success regardless of where you sit in the value chain. Click below for recommendations on where to begin.
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5 Steps to a Robust and Sustainable Pipeline
Great deals rarely fall into your lap. A robust and sustainable pipeline takes work to build and maintain. I spend countless hours every week searching, connecting, and evaluating to find the right opportunities to focus my energy. This article will give you an...
How to Increase CRE Portfolio Liquidity
Commercial real estate investments come with various benefits unavailable in any other asset class, but liquidity is not one of them. That said, a few easy adjustments will help increase the liquidity of your CRE portfolio. In this article, I will present a few ideas...
Top 3 Most and Least Management Intensive CRE Investments
Commercial real estate investing can be all-consuming or it can be as easy as buying a stock. Many factors combine to determine the management intensity of a CRE investment. Among these factors, I consider the following the greatest time and energy consumers. Sourcing...